Madison is a British-born artist, Writer, opinionater, and EXpressionist living in New York city.

“I’m a devoted student of the spirit.

The spirit of self, life, creativity, joy, possibility.

My creative expression - everything you see here - is a consummation of the things that make me, uniquely, Me. From Ayahuasca journeys in the Amazon jungle, to pussy-first embodiment practices. From my career in the wild west of corporate Advertising, to my personal odyssey through conscious sensuality and kundalini awakening.

This journey of remembrance has invited me to step deeper into my self.

My work is for those who’re also on this path.

Stripping back conditioning. Remembering the depth of who we are. Playing full out. Living our fullest expression. Reverent for the magic of life. Coming home to our Divinity whilst enjoying all it means to be Human.

My wish is that this may awaken or enliven something within you. And if it does not.. remember… you are free to leave at any moment.

I’ve been writing for many years. My musings have found their way into publications and press all over the world from Vogue and Cosmopolitan magazine to Vice and Channel 4 on British TV.

I took a hiatus in which I abandoned my self-expression and put more attention into what other businesses wanted to share with the world. This took me all the way to the upper echelons of senior global consultant in Advertising - developing creative strategies for the likes of Netflix, Samsung, Snickers, M&Ms, YouTube, Shell, Santander, Subway, to name just a handful.

This 12 year career has meant everything to me. It afforded me to live a really full life, to move to NYC, to travel to places I wouldn’t usually go (Khazakstan included), to meet the smartest people in the world, and to challenge myself and my mind. And for that, I will always be so incredibly, profoundly grateful.

But in that journey, every year, I was moving ever so slightly further from mySELF. Following the things I thought were important.

And so what you are witnessing here is a rememberance.

Coming back to mySELF and sharing what I want to share with the world.

This is what I explore in my work: Freedom. You’ll experience themes of self-expression, physical embodiment, spirituality, intimacy, culture, conditioning, play, and the potency of sexual energy in my writing and artistic creations.

Sometimes these themes may challenge your existing paradigms and perspectives. Perhaps you may find them salacious or tasteless. Perhaps you will be entertained, or deeper yet, moved.

Regardless, I hope we can delve into the intersections of spirituality, intimacy, and self-expression. Navigating the depths of true expression and embracing the divine interconnectedness of our human experience.

Now enough about me, who are you?